Which type of house is better, modular or frame?

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5 minutes


Какой дом лучше модульный или каркасный? -

Quick-build houses have been popular for quite some time for various reasons. The main reason is the ability to construct and put the building into operation very quickly. Sometimes the construction period takes only a few days. Additionally, such houses allow for significant cost savings as they are much cheaper than traditional options. However, the question remains: should one choose a modular or frame house, as both of these types fall into the category of quick-build structures.

It is not easy to give a definitive answer or recommend a specific type of building. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, when deciding, personal preferences and the specific requirements for future use should be considered. But most importantly, it is crucial to familiarize oneself with the characteristics of each type of house before making a decision.

Below you will find detailed information on the differences between modular and frame houses, and the main advantages that will help you choose the optimal option among them. Also, do not forget to explore the current offerings from Unitbud, among which you will certainly find a quick-build house project that will meet all your wishes and requirements.

Modular or frame house: What are the main differences?

Even though the frame and modular houses have a lot in common, and some customers do not see any differences between them, there is a significant distinction. The main difference lies in the construction process itself:

  • Modular constructions are delivered to the site in a ready-to-assemble form. Assembly is carried out in a factory using special equipment. The house can consist of a single module or multiple modules.
  • Frame houses consist of a framework made of wood or metal. The walls, ceilings, and other elements are installed on-site. In this case, the size and shape of the building can vary significantly.

As a result, the houses also differ in terms of production time. Manufacturing a module in a factory usually takes more time - up to a month. As for frame technology, construction takes about a week. However, it is important to note that all the work is done on-site, not in a factory as in the first case.

Another difference is in the wall structure. Frame construction often uses special hollow panels with suitable insulation inserted inside. When using modules, there are no cavities in the wall structure, which increases the strength and durability of the house.

There are also certain similarities. For example, both, modular and frame houses, can be moved to a new location if necessary. That is especially relevant if you need to perform reconstruction with a change in the floor plan but do not want to invest in new construction. Both types of buildings can also be modified during use. New elements can be added, expanding their area or changing the layout.

The key advantages of frame houses

Some of the advantages of frame houses have already been mentioned above. Now let's combine all the main benefits into a single list. So, when planning the construction of a frame structure, attention should be paid to:

  1. Minimal production time: 3-5 days.
  2. Low cost of construction, even for complex designs.
  3. No need for a massive foundation.
  4. Wide variety of ready-made options and the ability to prepare a custom project.
  5. High thermal insulation properties.
  6. Ability to use various types of external and internal finishes.

Another advantage is the low cost of transporting construction materials to the site. However, this depends on the size of the frame, the number of cladding elements, and the distance for transportation.

What are the disadvantages of frame houses?

The main disadvantage of a frame house is that it is not suitable for all regions. For example, if the climate in the area is too cold, such a structure will not provide optimal temperature control inside. Additionally, the house lacks significant strength and may not be safe enough for regions at risk of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes.

Advantages of modular houses to consider

Modular constructions have just as many advantages. Among the main ones, we can highlight:

  1. Ease and convenience of construction - no on-site construction work is required as the house will be delivered in a ready-to-use state.
  2. Quick occupancy of the building - all utilities are organized during the module's production.
  3. High strength due to the solid construction.
  4. Unique mobility properties - such a house can be transported to another city without significant costs.

Similar to frame houses, there is no need for a massive foundation, saving the customer's time and finances.

Key drawbacks of modular buildings

It is difficult to identify significant drawbacks of modular houses. Like frame houses, they are not suitable for regions with aggressive climates. Additionally, they cannot be installed on uneven terrain, requiring site preparation and leveling. All the facts mentioned above confirm that the answer to the question of whether a modular or frame house is better is subjective. If you can't make the decision yourself, it's worth consulting with experts. You can seek assistance from Unitbud company, where their specialists will assess all the peculiarities of your future construction site and select the most suitable project based on your preferences